The Knights Templar, The Grand Priory of Scandinavia

The Knights Templar, Grand Priory of Scandinavia

Grand Priory annual meeting in Skara 2014-04-26

Grand Priory of Scandinavia conducted annual meeting at Skara city hotel followed by the words chapter Varnhems abbey and Ordensbal at Skara city hotel.

On successful completion annual meeting was carried out transportation to Varnhems abbey where words Chapter was conducted. Seven officers were dubbed a knight, a Knight promoted to Captain, four Commanders promoted to Grand Officers and a Great Officer of the Grand Cross Knight. The words The chapter ended with the shooting outside Varnhems abbey then return transport to Skara city hotel was carried out and the Order Dinner with prom ended its successful Riddardag.

After word of God, there was a collector who goes to the Knights of the Knights Humanitaria fund. The collection submitted to 6007 SEK, 665 NOR and 8 EUR.

Grand Prior General, assisted by the Grand Prior Sweden, concluded words chapter of the Knights of the Order's motto:

"Non Nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo, da gloriam"
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory
The Bible, Psalm 115

Jonas Stålhandske Palovaara, KThO